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Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Working of the Nervous System

The brain is the centre of the nervous system. This article will centre on the brain as the centre of the nervous system. All the nervous responses from all the five senses are directly linked to the brain. They all have direct relation to the working of the brain. The antecedents of high productivity,creativity, relaxation and pure energy are all functions of the brain.

The brain itself is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons. These neurons communicate with each other with electrical speed. For instance if someone looks at a red cloth, there are certain internetworking of signals that work together to interpret first of all that this is a piece of cloth and another level of interpretation stating that the colour is red. Here the sense of sight is working with the brain to interpret the colour as red. All this takes place within seconds. We marvel at the wonderful creation of God. If you touch something that is cold, the signal is sent to the brain for the one to feel cold and interpret it as such. From the foregoing it is clear that the brain is really the centre of the nervous system.

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